King Arms M79 Sawed-off Airsoft Grenade Launcher

King Arms M79 Sawed-off Airsoft Grenade Launcher

Rex Arms M79 40mm grenade launcherreplica.

Cursory history

Piece of work on the personal grenade launcher known as M79 has started in 1952, later some bad experiences taken out of the Korean State of war. Soldiers were complaining about lack of firepower on ranges likewise short to lay artillery fire just longer than a throw of a hand grenade. A personal support weapon similar a grenade launcher was the only answer to such needs.

While pursuing the research program, there was a decision made to use a double chamber propelling device. In 1953, in that location were 3 prototypes prepared pastSpringfield Armory : pistol, break-action and iii-shots one. Due to malfunction problems, iii-shots and then pistol blazon were rejected. Interruption-action project by col.Roy East. Rayle which was based on a hunter's shotgun was taken into product. This projection was introduced under the name M79 in 1961. It was so thoroughly tested during the Vietnam War. It came out to exist highly constructive weapon with a maximum range of 400 meters. While targets on the distances equally long equally 150 meters could have been targeted with direct shots.

The main drawback of M79 was that it was non an universal weapon, so grenadier had to conduct another weapon. It was the primary reason for limiting the production of M79 which was slowly replaced by M203 mounted under the barrel. Carbine with a grenade launcher was more than practical in difficult terrain like the jungle, where whatever additional piece of equipment was affecting the soldier'southward efficiency.

During the Vietnam War, M79 was used not only by United states of america Ground forces. Until the present day, it is used past mountain tribes in the region. During the Vietnam War, CIA has launched a program of recruiting and arming mountainous groups of H'mong minority in Laos, to create an ally against communist forces. Later the war those allies were slightly forgotten, and they kept on fighting against the enemy long time after the state of war, during that time, they were oppresed past communist governments of Vietnam and their own country. Some of the facts regarding the topic came to light as late equally in 2003. Below movie shows a group of H'mong guerilla group in 2006... In the centre, a village leader is armed with M79 used since the Vietnam War.

Photo taken near Vang Vieng, Lao people's democratic republic, July 3, 2006.

During contempo years M79 has been coming dorsum to favour. M203 is non precise enough and the accuracy of M79 has once again brought it back to activity in Iraq where it was dubbedThumper. At the start M79 came back just in SEAL special forces. Below picture, taken in 2006 in Iraq shows M79 in the equipment of SEALs patrol.

M79 is used in Republic of iraq non only as a back up weapon or particularily excellent weapon to articulate out the buildings occupied by enemy forces. Accurate in short distances, M79 was found useful to take out IEDs. Picture below:1st Sectionalisation Marines, MP gunnerySgt. in kicking-military camp training with M79. Training was a part of "solving the problem of IEDs while providing protection for convoys".

USMC photo, gunnery Sgt. Mark Oliva.


At the first glance M79 replica box seems to exist very small - at least in comparing with any AEG carbine or SMG box. Only when you open it, y'all are sure it keeps the replica safe. It is solid, full cardboard box. Its design is aforementioned with whatsoever other new serial of King Artillery replicas. Black and red colour with a large logo in the centre.

Inside it'due south filled with a rigid foam protective cloth, which guarantees replica'due south prophylactic. There's absolutely no play inside - information technology is placed so tight that it requires some force to take information technology out. From the superlative it is covered with protective material of 15mm or and then.

Inside, except for a replica itself, there is a manual (4 pages). It is written in English and the pictures illustrating maintanance are clear.

There is a cut in to put a 40mm grenade, which was filled with a protective cream in the version which we've received.


Replica just makes you feel like five year old. It not only feels heavy and solid - Information technology IS really solid and parts are perfectly matched with no play at all.

As for, every bit it seems, so uncomplicated in technical terms, replica, M79 by King Arms has quite a many details. Nothing though would take any unwanted play: every single screw is correct in place and screwed tight. King Arms accustommed us to high quality in their contempo replicas - this time there is no surprise: when you lot take a replica out of the box you don't have to wonder if at that place would be any part which would fell off, or needs some attending to put it back on identify. Such a random bank check with some work to do before use is - unfortunately - a bad rule for many other producers, especially those "not-branded".

Nosotros had a chance to have a number of airsoft grenade launchers in our hands and well-nigh of the replicas had some unwanted play, or not fully matched parts like clattering barrel or loose sights. There is no such problem in Male monarch Arms replica.

Wooden parts are just beatiful. Night, hard woods with polished texture with visible grain. It is only a replica thought, surface of the wooden parts seem to be a bit likewise delicate.

Stock has a soft rubber made foot, mounted with two  screws. Solid steel screw connects a stock with a metal body.

Both in locked and ready to load settings, grenade launcher has no unwanted play on parts. Barrel and trail shows no unwanted play at all. M79 while breaking-action responds with proper friction. It gives yous impression that this replica is rock-solid - similar 1 piece and every part is properly designed to match the other.

The weight does not feel like it would be very lite, though it could exist heavier. Information technology is non resembling the original 1, but it gives you lot the feeling of a "existent" thing. It is too a bit shorter (17mm) than the original one.


Comparison with the original ane:

Real M79 Replica
Total lenght
737mm 720mm
Barrel lenght 356mm 354mm
Weight 2720g 2000g

As for the look, it makes a very good impression. It resembles the original one very well, except for minor differences in weight and size. Replica is fabricated of woods, aluminium and steel. Parts fabricated of steel are dark grey, while rest of the metal parts are blackness (in tested exemplar - in 2 shades of black, some parts are rather in black-lead shade). Surface of the metal parts is smoothen and gives properly cold feeling.

Parts made of steel include: lashing mounting points, trigger cover and a trigger cover lever button. Steel parts are triggered with magnets on the picture beneath. All of the screws are also made of steel.

Trigger cover is foldable. Taking a shot in thick gloves is no problem at all.

Trigger cover might be folded by pushing a button located on the front of information technology. It's foldable both on the right or left.

To release the lever to break the barrel, pull it towards right. It would come up back to left (closed) position automatically after latching upward the butt.

Behind the barrel lock, there is a rubber lever.  While pulled backwards it's in safe position (S), pushed forward, replica is set up to fire (F). Safety lever works fine fifty-fifty though it seems a scrap vulnerable.


The only marks which may exist found on King Arms replica, except for marks on safety lever, are those on the adjustable sight. Sight settings marks are resembling the original ones, so they would non take whatever use during airsoft games. Marks and settings are resembled very precisely.

Replica has a vertically adapted sight which is functional. On the left upper sight, there is a dummy knob (elevating screw wheel). Replica's sight has no  long adjustment screw, which (in original) should be located along whole left edge of the sight's frame.

To put the sight in the upright position, merely press the push on the left side.

To adjust the sight level just loosen up sight carrier servant lock nut on the left side of sight carrier.

Windage spiral and knob, on the base of the sight, which is responsible for horizontal adjustments in the real gun, is just a dummy in a replica. But either way it would have no use in airsoft games.

Even though horizontal adjustments would not work, horizontal windage scale is accurately resembled, which makes information technology look more than real.

While frame sight is folded, it is possible to apply muzzle sight and the rear sight, which in original would normally be used to aim at short range targets.


Trigger action is so simple that information technology seems not necessary to give any detailed descriptions. It looks like there is no part of it which might malfunction. Trigger spring is hard simply the main resistance is from primer. It requires to put some force, so shooting for some time might get your finger tired.


King Arms didn't become the easy way to make the shine-bore barrel. They decided to brand it more than attractive.


Replica would piece of work without a problem with number of 40mm airsoft grenades. Nosotros had a chance to try it with both well known brands and equally well by no-proper noun Chinese producers. The lenght of a grenade should rather not matter. We didn't take a hazard to bank check every unmarried grenade available on the market, only those which we had a take a chance to check out, were working without any problems. Nosotros might risk a saying, that it should work with any 40mm airsoft grenade. Inner barrel bore is flawless. Some of the grenades (i.eastward. those made pastVanaras) didn't fit very tight with some play on the sides, simply information technology was minor and didn't affect the performance.


Male monarch Arms M79 40mm replica is another successful production, thanks to eye catching expect, high quality and perfectly finished and matched parts. Good level of original resemblance, very skilful looking wooden parts are making this replica really bonny. Even though for fans of "real" details in a replica, weight might be seen equally a disadvantage, only having it in your hands it does non feel that lightweight, and probably thank you to cold metal parts it just feels positive and existent.

Yet some other time, King Artillery offers a replica which is complete in every aspect: starting with a good wrapping, clear transmission descriptions and every particular of a replica itself. Unfortunately, due to atmospheric condition conditions information technology was pointless to effort it outdoors. Nevertheless we may surely say, that very few replicas made such a adept impression "out of the box". We tried to find any major drawbacks but we just couldn't.

Rex Artillery M79 is a nice example, that i producer is improving with every adjacent replica in their offer. In our opinion KA M79 is worth recommending to airsoft players, likewise reneactors or collectors. Any fan of the American weaponry or interested in reconstructing Usa Nam Era units, or even the fan of units involved in Republic of iraq conflict should be content with a quality of this replica.

Replica was tested thanks to courtesy of KING ARMS:

WMasg Editor's Team would like to pass special thanks tozwierzu83 andTBM for their contribution in preparing this review.

Original M79 photo sources:

world wide web.militaryphotos.cyberspace

world wide

Translation by Bukhart

King Arms M79 Sawed-off Airsoft Grenade Launcher

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